Hannah Holland-Moritz is a 4th year PhD student studying microbial ecology at the University of Colorado, Boulder. Her research focuses on microbes associated with alaskan mosses and the ecological processes that shape microbial communities.
Seana Thompson is an undergraduate at the University of Colorado at Boulder studying molecular, cellular, and developmental biology. She has been working in the Fierer Lab for almost a year now and is super jazzed about science. She's very interested in sustainability and human-centered design.
Maya Montoya-Pimolwatana is an undergraduate at the University of Colorado, Boulder majoring in evolutionary biology. Her interests include ecology and wildlife conservation.
Noah Fierer is an Associate Professor in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and a Fellow of the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences at the University of Colorado at Boulder. He is a microbial ecologist and his research program focuses on microbes living in a range of environments, including those bacteria, fungi, and protists living inside our homes, in soil, on plants, and in the atmosphere. For more information, see: http://fiererlab.org/
For questions or more information contact Hannah Holland-Moritz at hannah.hollandmoritz@colorado.edu